
Vivat ensemble

The ensemble of young man Vivat was formed in 2005 from the graduates of the boys and young men choir Debut of Saint-Petersburg Dmitry Bortniansky Music school. Repertoire includes works of Russian and European composers, folk song, works of 20th century.

The ensemble took part in national and international competitions and festivals:

Vivat regularly performs at concerts in various halls of St. Petersburg. Moreover, the ensemble had concerts in Helsinki, Strasbourg and Oslo in 2005; in Prague, Český Krumlov and České Budějovice in 2006; in Budapest in 2007.

Olga Rykalina is founder and conductor of Vivat. She is graduate of same musical school and Saint-Petersburg Institute of Culture with the speciality Conductor of Academical Choir.

This site was made by Yury N. Telitsin

Yury N. Telitsin