The ensemble of young man Vivat was formed in 2005 from the graduates of the boys and young men choir Debut of Saint-Petersburg Dmitry Bortniansky Music school. Repertoire includes works of Russian and European composers, folk song, works of 20th century.
The ensemble took part in national and international competitions and festivals:
- festival Christmas in St. Petersburg, 2006;
- competition Hope's Angel in St. Petersburg, 2006 — silver prize laureate;
- festival Holiday of time in České Budějovice, 2006 — second prize laureate;
- festival Musica Mundi in Budapest, 2007 — bronze award;
- First All-Russian competition between choirs Gercenovskie assamblei 2008 — second prize laureate.
- competition Hope's Angel in St. Petersburg, 2009 — first prize laureate in the nomination of Academical Singing.
Vivat regularly performs at concerts in various halls of St. Petersburg. Moreover, the ensemble had concerts in Helsinki, Strasbourg and Oslo in 2005; in Prague, Český Krumlov and České Budějovice in 2006; in Budapest in 2007.
Olga Rykalina is founder and conductor of Vivat. She is graduate of same musical school and Saint-Petersburg Institute of Culture with the speciality Conductor of Academical Choir.